April 2023 Prop RP-1 Tax Rate Transfer Issue
Voters approve Prop RP-1
Thank you voters for supporting Prop R-P-1! The no-tax-rate increase levy transfer issue passed with 62.5% approval.
Official election results show 2,163 "yes" votes and 1,295 "no" votes.

Proposition RP-1 details
Two tax rates comprise a school district's total tax rate: The Operational Rate and the Debt Service Rate.
The Operational Rate allows a school district to operate a school district, and the largest expenditure in operations is staff compensation and benefits.
The Debt Service Tax Rate is used for payments on bond debt, which includes new construction.
By law, voters may approve allowing a school district to transfer portions of a tax rate from the Debt Service Rate to the Operational Rate.
The Tax Rate Transfer will enable Ray-Pec to improve its ability to recruit and retain staff.
The Tax Rate Transfer will be phased in over a period of three years, during which time the overall tax rate is projected to remain at its current rate with ZERO Net Impact on the tax rate to community property owners. Any impact on taxes will only be the result of a change in property value.
Current Status (2022-2023)
Cass County—Ray-Pec ranks 3rd out of 10 public school districts for beginning teacher salary
Missouri districts in KC area—Ray-Pec ranks 14th out of 20 public school districts for beginning teacher salary
Kansas City area (Kansas and Missouri districts) —Ray-Pec ranks 21st out of 27 for beginning teacher salary
Board approves placing tax rate transfer on ballot
At a special meeting on Jan. 12, 2023, the Raymore-Peculiar School District Board of Education approved placing a tax rate transfer proposition on the April 4, 2023, ballot.
The ballot issue, called Proposition RP-1, asks voters to authorize the district to transfer 50 cents from the Debt Service Fund to the Operation Fund.
The proposed tax rate transfer will be phased in over a period of three years, and the overall tax rate is expected to remain at its current rate. This means that the tax rate is not projected to increase, resulting in a zero net impact to property owners.
Placing the tax rate transfer on the ballot comes after much research and discussion about how to improve staff compensation, which was identified by the School Board, staff, and the public as a top priority in the Strategic Plan.
Proposition RP-1 will require a simple majority to pass.