Family School Liaison Worker

Addison Schultz 


Alicia Gedwillo


Family School Liaisons are district staff members who work with all schools in the Raymore-Peculiar School District. Family School Liaisons work directly with students, family members, school staff and community partners to address the non-academic needs of students by eliminating barriers that may prevent students from learning.  

Research shows when students lack basic needs such as food, stable housing, clothing or health care, they are at a higher risk of academic struggles which could potentially lead to failure or dropping out. The Family School Liaison uses a strength-based approach that engages families as partners in the process to help students succeed by providing resources and referrals to help address these specific concerns. 

The Process and Support 

The process of working with a student and family may vary depending on the specific need of the family. Support may include referrals to services such as housing/shelters, mental health services/counseling, food pantries/CAN program, transportation, clothing/Panther Closet, mentoring programs, applications for government assistance programs, utility assistance, holiday assistance. In addition to addressing specific concerns, Family School Liaison offers preventive, proactive services to families by working with or school counselors, behavioral interventionist and mental health specialists to provide parenting skills, screenings, physical and mental health referrals.

If you need some additional support or resources please complete the referral form